wheelchairs of Hope
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Wheelchairs of Hope – Wheelchairs of Hope is an Israeli initiative for social impact led by a group of experienced entrepreneurs driven by a social agenda and “Tikun Olam” that developed, manufactures and distributes an innovative, lightweight and durable chair designed for disabled children, and distributed worldwide at a price of $100 and targets less developed environments to allow children with disabilities access to primary education. Our mission of “Leave no one behind” – Our mission is to improve the lives of children with disabilities in less developed areas of the world and thus enable them to reach their full potential. Three main “impact” components of our initiative: 1) to improve mobility for children with disabilities. 2) To strengthen their access to primary education. 3) To allow the family caregiver to work and integrate into society. About 20 million people in developing countries who need wheelchairs do not have access to them, of which 7 million are school-aged children. UNICEF estimates that 9 out of 10 children with disabilities will not attend primary education, and a lack of primary education significantly affects poverty and independence when children reach adulthood. Funded by various sources, we have already provided this solution in 23 countries in the world including: Chile, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Ukraine, Swaziland, South Africa, Cameroon, Senegal, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Macedonia, Serbia, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Argentina, Ecuador, Uzbekistan and others. A wheelchair that operates according to a business model with a social agenda, and is supported by an advisory board of two Nobel laureates, Professor Aaron Ciechanover and Professor Rick Roberts, and by the ambassador, Ron Prosor.
City: כפר סבא
What is being Measured?
4.1.1 The proportion of children (sex) by grades (1st-2nd), primary, secondary who have access to resources, and access to participate in the education system, once every two years.
4.5.1 Equality measures used in education according to people with disabilities.
17.7.1 Funding for developing countries for beneficial technologies, once a year.
17.9.1 The dollar value of financial/technological aid, once a year.