Urban Daisy
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Urban Daisy is a unique environmental-community project that aims to establish and research green roofs. Green rooftops are gardens full of living vegetation that are placed on existing rooftops. Turning a rooftop into a green rooftop is a simple and elegant environmental solution to many challenges stemming from the climate crisis. In addition, the green rooftop add a community, educational and economic value to your businesses. The novelty of our venture is in the research. We produce environmental impact reports that demonstrate the many capabilities of green rooftop. We work in collaboration with a variety of entrepreneurs, researchers and local businesses.
How can you support this initiative?
Investment and financial support
Connections and networking
Joining our activities
City: כל הארץ
What is being Measured?
7.3.1 Measured as a temperature difference between a treated and untreated building, translated into electricity consumption, measured continuously, reported once a year.
11.6.2 Measured as air quality above a given rooftop at monthly, annual average levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted).
11.7.1 Average portion of the built-up area in cities, which is an area open to public use for all, by sex, age and people with disabilities.
13.1.3 A number of local government bodies in which Urban Daisy operates. As part of local risk reduction strategies, in accordance with national strategies for reducing risks as a result of disasters.
13.2.1 Urban Daisy will be a strategy to adapt to the negative effects of climate change, which supports increasing the degree of resilience against climate change, and a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in a way that does not threaten food production. Measured as the number of rooftops operated by Urban Daisy, reported once a year.
13.3.1 Urban Daisy is the strengthening of institutions and the ability of the individual in building the ability to adopt adaptation, reduction, and technological changes, and technology transfer and development operations. Measured as the number of rooftops operated by Urban Daisy, reported once a year.