Main SDG

Additional SDGs

ReForest is a socio-environmental business that was established in 2020 by 7 entrepreneurs specializing in topics such as permaculture, agriculture, practical ecology, community and education. The company plans and manages the establishment of forest gardening in private and public areas, and is characterized by providing a broad solution to all aspects of the project.
City: כל הארץ
What is being Measured?
-2.4.1 The amount of agricultural land in productive and sustainable agriculture created/planted by ReForest once a year.
-15.1.1 The change in forest area as a percentage of the total land area planted by ReForest once a year.
-15.2.1 Progress towards sustainable forest management, through the training of landscaping contractors on the care and sustainable management of the area and the participation of the community once a year.
-15.3.1 The proportion of the damaged land areas treated and restored by ReForest.
-15.4.1 Against the Red List Index, a review of the amount of plants planted, and the amount of habitats for endangered animals.