Raas – Reusable as a Service
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

RaaS (Reusable as a Service) is building the national infrastructure for reuse to solve the problem of disposable tableware waste. To date, the company has helped hundreds of events, conferences, and organizations move to Zero Waste by using reusable tableware, in a simple, fast, and environmentally friendly way. The company offers a complete solution for reusable tableware. Starting from supplying a variety of cups and utensils, shipping to the location of the activity, providing designated return stations for collecting the utensils and providing informational signage to the public, as well as creating environmental impact data reports at the end of each activity that track the data and analyze the amount of waste saved according to international indicators. After using the tools, the company ensures that they are collected back to the Wash Hub for washing, disinfection, and repackaging to the highest standards and required standards.
How can you support this initiative?
Investment and financial support
Connections and networking
Joining our activities
Supporting activities
City: All of Israel
What is being Measured?
9.4.1 - The company measures the carbon emissions saved as a result of not using disposables. The company measures the savings at each event, and quantifies the total savings on an annual basis and reports it in tons of carbon.
12.2.1 - The company measures the amount of plastic and hence, the primary raw materials saved each year and reports it in tons of plastic saved.
12.5.1 - The company measures the amount of plastic saved each year, and reports it in tons of plastic. In addition, the company recycles the plastic used by the company and measures the amount in kilograms each year.
12.8.1 - The company carries out outreach and market education programs on saving on disposables and reducing waste and responsible consumption among companies and organizations with which they work.
13.2.1 - The company measures the carbon emissions saved as a result of not using disposables. The company measures the savings at each event, and quantifies the total savings on an annual basis and reports it in tons of carbon.
14.1.1 - The company measures the amount of plastic saved each year, and reports it in tons of plastic. The company distinguishes between plastic saved in places close to the coast and reports it separately.