Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Most of the existing structures suffer from defects that affect our health, our functioning and also produce a waste of resources. We offer an energy efficiency survey for buildings that help to improve the efficiency of both electricity and water consumption, as well as the most valuable resource – the people. A combination of energy surveys, building quality standards and efficient construction that can bring maximum benefit and will also help reduce pollutant emissions. The survey method combines economic, environmental and community efficiency. The “Impact” route makes it possible to offer efficiency to non-profit structures, when the solutions for it will be financed from the initial profit generated for you from the efficiency you have carried out.
City: כל הארץ
What is being Measured?
9.4.1 Carbon intensity is converted between kilowatts per hour and building-level carbon dioxide
7.2.1 The rate of production of renewable energies from renewable sources of the total energy in the building