EyeKnow AI
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Using a unique combination of computer vision, AI and CCTV footage, we are able to measure and track a multitude of health, safety, development and regulatory progress compliance metrics in daycares, schools, nursing homes and other buildings.
How can you support this initiative?
Investment and financial support
Connections and networking
Supporting activities
Pilot participation
City: תל אביב
What is being Measured?
4.2.1 Rate in percentages of all children in kindergarten/area in relation to kindergartens/country/comprehensive body under the age of 5 who are under developmental monitoring in terms of health and mental well-being, who have experienced aggressive movements when the monitoring is between the treating person in the team and the children, divided by sex, once a quarter. (accessibility to primary education)
Reducing the number of aggressive events per quarter in the kindergarten.
Reducing the number of aggressive events per child per quarter in the kindergarten. (about six months after the implementation of the system).
10.3.1 Percentage rate of residents who reported that they felt discriminated against or were harassed personally during the last 12 months, on the basis of discrimination prohibited by international human rights law, age, sex, ethnicity, socio-status. (Residents – over the age of 18, people with disabilities, the elderly, etc.)
16.1.3 Percentage of the population exposed to (a) physical violence, (b) psychological violence and (c) sexual violence in the last 12 months.
16.12.1 Percentage of children 1-17 who experienced some form of physical punishment from caregivers in the last month. By sex, age.
16.3.1 Percentage of victims of violence in the last 12 months who reported the case to competent authorities or to officially recognized conflict resolution mechanisms.