Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Anina develops quick and complex to prepare meals as capsules, made from “ugly” vegetables that were rejected for sales for aesthetic reasons only but are perfectly edible. We at Anina have made it our goal to increase the use of “unsightly” produce in the food industry. Our solution produces a unique combination of innovative technology; design experience; Along with food and culinary knowledge – to create solutions based on tasty and edible recovered food. We use the highest quality ingredients, regardless of their appearance – without compromising on the quality of taste. Nature is our motivation for innovation.
How can you support this initiative?
Investment and financial support
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City: אשדוד
What is being Measured?
12.2.1 Total consumption of primary raw materials (biomass) in tons per year.
12.3.1a Food loss index – measured by the amount of food used in production per year (in order to demonstrate that food is “saved” it is important to conduct a study that demonstrates the relationship and amount of food thrown away per year respectively).
5.5.1 Percentage rate of women in management positions.