Amai Proteins
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Amai Proteins (Amai means “sweet” in Japanese) heals our food and drink by introducing delicious and healthy protein ingredients into everyday life. In the first stage we focus on proteins as an alternative to sugar. Amai takes “sweet” proteins and through a computational and design process (AI-CPD) and fermentation makes the proteins compatible for use in the food industry for a variety of uses.
City: רחובות
What is being Measured?
3.4.1 Reduction of quantity per product unit, according to the recommended daily amount of sugar to reduce the mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes in reference to existing studies metabolic syndrome by 30-40% in reference to shelf products with sugar per year.
9.4.1 Carbon intensity, measurement of the carbon footprint in the production process.
13.2.1 Communication of information about the implementation of an integrated policy/strategy/plan, which increases their ability to adapt to the negative effects of climate change, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in a way that does not threaten food production. For every million tons of sugar, a reduction of X emissions per ton of CO2.
2.4.1 1 kg of sweet protein (which is produced by fermentation in tanks and does not require agricultural land) will replace about 5 tons of sugar.